It Chose Me

Mentorvention Minute-Brain Balm: Let's Go Crazy (part 2)

Episode Summary

Here it comes, Let’s Go Crazy, part two. Snow melts along the edges. Change happens from the fringes. Different happens away from the normal. That’s where your crazy ideas come into play. Maybe someday your journey into the unknown, the unexpected will be seen by others as just the way things are done but for now, let’s go nuts together. Let me know what you think and share your own ideas:

Episode Notes

Here it comes, Let’s Go Crazy, part two. Snow melts along the edges. Change happens from the fringes. Different happens away from the normal. That’s where your crazy ideas come into play. Maybe someday your journey into the unknown, the unexpected will be seen by others as just the way things are done but for now, let’s go nuts together. Let me know what you think and share your own ideas:

This is part one of the ninth of our nine flavors of Brain Balm, brainstorming ideas to massage your message.

Practical Approaches:                      

Aspirational Approaches:

Silly Approaches:

We’re getting close to the end of this season, and once we finish Brain Balm, we will unpack a whole new set of Mentorvention Minutes. Let me know what you think and share your own ideas: